Battery storage so you never need to worry about getting the most out of your storage system during daylight hours

Get in touch with the team from Renewable Energy Queensland today to find out more about how to reduce your energy needs and store excess energy generated during daylight to further reduce your electricity costs.

Benefits of solar battery technology

  1. Reduce your electricity bills even further

  2. Embrace Hybrid-Grid battery solutions, use your battery till it is empty, stay connected to ensure continuity of supply

  3. Blackout protection in the event of power outages

  4. Save the environment, reduce your home carbon footprint

Find out more about RedX Energy Virtual Power Plants

We’ve partnered with local battery companies to provide their innovative Virtual Power Plant technology to our local customers.

We offer a fully integrated battery storage solution using high-quality lithium-ion batteries suitable for the home or business. They provides seamless installation and timely after-sales support.


Interested in finding out more about battery storage for your solar energy system?

Get in touch today to arrange an energy assessment.